Sunday, April 24, 2011

How To Do A Retouch Color With Koleston

the darkness her face, Kelly Keaton

Publisher: Mark emoticons
Release Date: 5.10.2011r.
Number of pages: 264

Cover "From the darkness of her face" catches the eye, and the distinctive eyes of girls have a hypnotic effect, which is able to draw the observer in its potential color depth. The female figure, in addition to scattered hair, under the eye has a crescent moon, which is visible at a closer look. After several pages, it appears that the cover shows the main character, which is far from normality ...

Ari Selkirk, a seemingly normal teenage girl with white hair, you know in a very unpleasant situation for her. A doctor working in a madhouse, tells her what happened to her mother, several years after it decided to abandon his daughter. Ari is a young girl who can take care of myself, is outspoken and does not give you the "groats blow." Currently it is under the care of a foster family, whom she met through the ins and outs of combat. After reading a letter from her biological mother, the girl in mortal danger and destiny, against which it is unable to escape.

heroine is confused because it was embroiled in a battle with the creatures of whose existence she had no idea. To uncover the truth about her mother and the mysterious events connected with her family, decides to go to New Orleans, where he hopes to find answers to the questions tormenting her. He gets there, irreplaceable przyjaciół, chłopaka oraz poznaje dość niesamowite istoty, takie jak: wampiry, wiedźmy, półbogów itd. Wkrótce dowiaduje się, że za całym nieszczęściem, które spotkało ją i jej wcześniejsze przodkinie, stoi niebezpieczna bogini – Atena, która z zawiści, krzywdzi i zabija każdego, kto stanie jej na drodze.  

 Kelly Keaton napisała książkę w taki sposób, że ta wciąga czytelnika od pierwszej strony. Może jest, to związane z dobrze skonstruowanymi dialogami i bogatymi opisami? A może z tym, że akcja jest tense and surprising? Passing the following pages, impatiently waiting to solve the riddle of the origin of the main character. Honestly, at first I thought it would be, is another recurring item, created under the prevailing fashion, but there is something else that I can hardly describe.

previously read sentences written by me may seem, that is, the ideal position, which does not have any disadvantages, but it is for me a combination of books about krwiopijcach Percym Jackson. There is much in it that I know of beings, which are formed of different kinds of books, Kelly Keaton, has not been able to surprise me. Of course, with this book, I spent a nice time and a desire to reach for the next part, but a huge impression on me was not done.

"From the darkness of her face," is heading, and you certainly can reach teenagers. Characters appearing in it are not so schematic, and are vampires who do not need to be nourished only krwią, a bogini Atena, która jest symbolem mądrości i wojny, często zostaje przedstawiona jako okropna kreatura. Jeżeli nie męczą Cie jeszcze nadprzyrodzone istoty, a chcesz spędzić mile czas w towarzystwie pozycji, która będzie w stanie Cie wciągnąć,  to jest to książka dla Ciebie!
Moja ocena: 4+/6 

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