Publisher: Novae Res
Release Date: 7.09.2010r.
Number of pages: 168
Looking at the cover and title, I began to wonder what may lurk under that name. As the galaxy, I mean the stars in the universe, but what is the galaxy to the Internet? After reading the first pages of a mystery to solve and the reader learns that in this word conceals something else, namely: "the environment".
"Galaxy Internet language" is a collection of eleven essays in which the author dwells on the evolution of the magazine and various online activities such as emotkami, e-mail, revues blogs, etc. In some Chapters are also essays, the reader is able to look at the images on the emotes are in the communicator GG or view the main page of Wikipedia. Apparently nothing, because most of us have contact with it every day, however, diversifies a reading.
book is not easy reading because it contains a large amount of historical facts, which some people may simply bored - after all, is a popular science literature. The position is written in language understandable to a lot of the passages quoted, and given simple examples. Fortunately this position is the fact that Joanna Wrycza discussed any form, which can be found in the network, compares the historical stuff, or that (almost) completely fallen into disuse such as emoticons, have been compared to ancient pictographs, and e- letter mail to the romantic and something in it, because hardly anyone nowadays writes a love letter by hand - as I said, it is generally by email.
The reading I've gone with overt hostility. Reading the first page that I'm bored, I started wonder why I read it? After all, I know what it is the Internet, blog, or to review what is emotika. Nobody I do not need to explain, because I do not see any sense, but with each new site I started to change the sentence (at least marginally). Through this position I have met many interesting historical facts and some parts of me amused for example, sample reviews / opinions or comments submitted by users. On the Internet, this type of speech can be found at almost every step and we are already accustomed to them, but otherwise, it looks like reading excerpts from the book.
not to say that the book was great, because for me - a fairly young person who does not read for pleasure popularizing literature - that was not, although it certainly widened my knowledge. Therefore, I recommend it to those who need good, yet quite interesting source of knowledge for work or article.
My rating: 3 / 6
book received from the publisher Novae Res , For which I thank you!
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