Island cannibals, Nicolas Werth Publisher: Mark
Release Date: 23.03.2011r.
Number of pages: 292
Nocolas Werh is a French historian who explores the fate of the Soviet Union. His second most recent book is "Cannibal Island", which reveals the shocking crimes of Stalin. With this book, the world is in a position to know the truth about 30 years of the twentieth century, when areas of the Soviet Union, Stalin held the government.
"Cannibal Island" is a document that describes the fate of millions of people sent to the island on the river Ob Nazino. These were called. "Downgraded elements" that were not adequately equipped. Soon it started eating low on the island and as we know - a man must eat something, for this reason, the island soon became a cannibal island, where there have to horrific acts of violence with the consumption of human flesh in the background.
"caught her, tied to a poplar, cut off her breasts, thighs, all you can eat, everything, everything ... They were hungry, everyone has to eat. When Kostya came back, she was still alive. He wanted to rescue her, but he bled, died. "
This book is not a novel! It is a document written in the language of popular science, so do not appeal to everyone. At the beginning of a relationship, we read an old peasant woman of the people Ostiaków, who was an observer of events in this unhappy island (quoted above, it is her word). She saw lots of dead bodies and people murdering each other. In later chapters, the author describes the early events that caused people who find themselves in this, and not elsewhere. Information about events, data, enrich the testimony of witnesses and various reports, the exact dates and behavior of individuals who have held power in the country.
"Cannibal Island", but purely historical facts, shows potential as the man looked like thinking of people in those days, how power function, which does not pay attention to the needs of residents. Bearing in mind only their interests, not concerned with a large number of deaths, diseases and various types of crimes. Is this how they should behave representatives of the authorities? How could they allow that the deported people, lost remnants of humanity and were able to eat each other?
This book is not an easy position. Quite frankly, boring; me and I did not feel sufficiently prepared for the reading. Despite his young age and a rather limited view of the world, this book aroused in me an incredible sadness mingled with indignation. I understand that in the 30s, people had little knowledge about many aspects of life, but that so? Everyone has to eat and have the appropriate items that will allow him to survive, However, Soviet authorities were not interested in this and allow people to die, not providing them with adequate assistance. The most frightening is the fact that the person standing above, they believed that everything is in perfect order, but soon realized that not everything goes according to plan.
book I recommend to anyone who is ready to read the document. It is not suitable for young people, because most of them will not be able to understand this book, or even wade through it. This position is an excellent source knowledge, which shows the terrible, but the real truth, of which only recently was able to figure out the world. How badly do I evaluate a book that has been described many thousands of people a hell? I admire the author, for being committed to the truth, and thanks to him all the time is able to learn about dead people, which met such harm. I think he should be familiar with it all sooner or later.
My rating: 6 / 6
I received a book from the publishing house mark, for which I thank you!